Stinnett Sticks Arizona Black-tailed Rattlesnake Cane #115|Coming Soon to the Shop!
After about a month of tedious work, Mike's rattlesnake cane is nearly finished, and will soon be available in our online store!
Please be sure to follow Mike's social media to see the notice that will be posted there and posted here on our website when it is finished. There will also be a push notification for our members and followers that have the mobile app.
Carved from a Single Piece of Wood
This cane was carved out of a single piece of Lodge-pole Pine by Mike Stinnett.
Measures approximately: 36 inches.
Paint to Finish
Some of Mike's next stages to completing this cane are: finish adding paint to the scales and eyes, staining the shaft of the stick, placing a cane tip to the end of the stick, and adding a polyurethane finish to the snake and shaft.