About Pearl

This here's my little dog Pearl. She's been my constant companion for the last 5 years. For the most part, she is content to sit in my lap and oversee my work while I'm carving

Pearl was born the last part of February, 2016. We got her in May as a present for my wife and girls. Her mother was Dachshund and Yorkshire Terrier and her father was a Jack Russel Terrier. Turned out all those breeds made a nice rounded little dog. She has a terrier bark with short legs like a Dachshund and the markings of the Jack Russel. Her most notable marking is a black paw print on her back. She is quick to learn and remember a trick for treats and usually only performs them when she's sure there is a reward.
She loves to chase cats, and hunt for squirrels and chipmunks when we are outdoors. She also loves it when we set up the live trap to catch the mice around the house. Like most dogs, she loves to eat and knows all the drive up windows that we go to where dog lovers give out treats. She especially loves it when they give her bacon.
Most of her time is spent in somebody's lap or napping in her own little bed. But she does enjoy to play a game of fetch.
Spoiled for sure, but of course, not rotten.