Discontinuing Our Newsletter

Why is our Newsletter being Discontinued?
First, we would like to say, how thankful we are to you all for subscribing and showing your support to Stinnett Sticks! We are so delighted that we have reached over 500 subscribers!
The reason we are discontinuing our newsletter is because of the website platform we are using does not allow us to send out to more than 200 people per month. As a small business, we can't afford to upgrade our e-mail campaign that supports a larger audience.
Please Note: This will not affect those who sign-in to to our website or become a member, which can still make purchases and access their purchased video tutorials and other digital and personal content.

The Good News!
We will be switching to make our announcements of new products in our store, deals, and latest news, on our blog and social media sites. So please be sure to Sign-in to our website for new blog posts, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news updates!
Thanks! See you there!

I'm not disappointed my friend , I know where you live ( HAHAHA ). Keep up the good fight Mike , you and the family.